Sunday, August 15, 2010

A better job!

Okay...I am going to try my best to do a better job of posting to my blog.... Not that many people (okay probably no one) actually reads this blog at this point. Well, okay maybe to occasional spy (you know who you are). My main goal is to try to post relevant information about what is going on with The Pink Paisley as well as my life.

So now that my two little chick-a-dees are heading back to school I will be able to have a real schedule, and posting to this here blog will be at least a once a week task!

Working on it!

I have decided to move my blog over here to blogger. I tried wordpress, but can't get the hang of it. I don't have the time to invest to figure it all out. At first glance blogger seems to be the way to go. There are just so many things I need to do to get my website and blog where I want them to be... simplicity will have to reign for the blog!